Jigsaw Puzzles

Bird Puzzles Click on each puzzle and get a jigsaw puzzle to do right on your computer. You don’t have to turn any of the pieces, they are already facing in the right direction. How quickly can you put the birds back together? Bald Eagle & Eaglet Blue Jay Cardinal (Male) Feeding Chicks North...

Bird Wallpapers

Now you can enjoy nature right on your computer’s desktop. We’ve got some awesome images that’ll look great on your screen. Go ahead. IT’S FREE! Bird Wallpapers The following wallpapers are 1600 x 1200...

Willoughby Trail Works

Event Type: Nature Guardians Date: August 11, 2011 Time: 10am – 3pm Location: Willoughby Nature Reserve, five kilometres south of Caledon Village. Directions: From Highway 10, take the Grange Sideroad northeast to Kennedy Road. On Kennedy Road, make a left turn. Registration:...

Buntings in the bush

Spied this nest in the bush at Anstruther Lake. Indigo bunting was flying in an...

Ospreys (?) Nesting on Highway 28

Spotted this nesting platform on Highway 28, just south of Young’s Point. On the long weekend, there was activity: feeding of fledglings. Drove by yesterday. It appears to be an osprey, still feeding. Hopefully next time, there won’t be so much traffic and I can get a picture of who really...

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