It doesn’t get any easier than this one. And the colorful birds it attracts will amaze you!
No need to break the budget when it comes to feeding orioles. With this simple orange feeder, you’re sure to bring these beautiful birds to your backyard-after all, they can’t resist citrus in the spring.
The best part is this project may not even cost a dime, because there’s a good chance you probably already have enough scrap lumber and hardware around the house to build several of these surefire feeders.
This feeder was inspired by one designed by Daniel Medbury of Plymouth, Michigan. We’ve simplified it a bit so anyone can build it-even a child with some adult supervision. In less than an hour, you’ll be hanging your own exclusive oriole feeding station.
Here’s What You’ll Need
- One scrap 2 x 4, at least 13 inches long
- One 1-inch x 8-inch board, about 12 inches long
- One 1/4-inch dowel, at least 18 inches long
- Four 2-1/2-inch galvanized finishing nails
- Four common nails
- Waterproof carpenter’s glue
- One screw eye for hanging the feeder
Recommended Tools
- Table saw
- Power drill
- Combination square
Easy as Orange Pie
- Cut a scrap 2 x 4 at least 13 inches long.
- Cut two 45° angles to form a centered peak on one end (this will become the top). Use a combination square or tri-square to help draw the cutting angles.
- “Dog-ear” the corners at the bottom end of the 2 x 4 by sawing about 3/4 inch off each corner at a 45° angle.
- Drill two 1/4-inch holes through the 2 x 4. Center one hole 1-1/4 inches from bottom of the board and the other 6-1/2 inches from bottom. Make sure you drill the holes perpendicular to the 2 x 4. This will ensure that your perches will be straight.
- Cut two roof pieces from the 1-inch x 8-inch board. One section should measure approximately 6 inches x 7-1/4 inches and the other 5-1/4 inches x 7-1/4 inches. If you’d like, dog-ear the outside corners of the roof pieces by cutting off about 1 inch from each corner at a 45° angle.
- Nail the roof pieces to the 2 x 4 peak with two common nails. The longer piece overlaps the shorter.
- The oranges are held onto the feeder by spearing them onto 2-1/2-inch finishing nails. Center these nails on each side of the 2 x 4 about 3 inches above each perch hole. Drive the nails about 1 inch into the 2 x 4 at a downward angle so the oranges won’t slide off.
- Cut the 18-inch dowel in half for perches. Insert the dowels into the holes and center them. A little waterproof carpenter’s glue in the holes will hold the perches firmly in place.
- File or cut a flat spot in the center of the roof peak for a screw eye, which is used to hang the feeder. Drill a pilot hole first to prevent the wood from splitting.
- A coat of deck stain is optional, but it’ll help protect the wood from weather. Be sure the stain is dry before using the feeder.
- Then cut two oranges in half, spear them onto the nails and wait for the orioles to show up while you sit back to enjoy a glass of iced tea.

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