How Birds Keep Warm in Winter

It always amazes me how such small creatures don’t freeze in the winter. Just looking out the window on a cold, blustery day in the winter makes me shiver. But birds have many awesome adaptations that allow them to survive even in the most frigid conditions, and understanding what birds need to keep...

Getting Ready For Winter

Fall will soon be here, and wild birds’ internal clocks are signaling them to begin their preparation for the harsh winter ahead. We have gathered some expert suggestions for inviting and keeping winter birds in and about your yard during the upcoming long, cold winter. Clean Bird Feeders & Bird...

Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch Needs Your Help! At regular intervals from November to April, thousands of FeederWatchers count the kinds and numbers of birds at their feeders, then submit their observations to us. This information helps scientists study winter bird populations. Project FeederWatch participants receive...

Nectar Festival at Ojibway Nature Centre, Windsor, ON

Join us for hummingbird banding and tips on how to attract these jewels to your yard. Banding will start around 9:00 am and displays, activities and treats will run all morning. August 27 (Saturday 9:00-noon) Fee: Free admission Ojibway Nature Centre 5200 Matchette Road Windsor, Ontario N9C 4E8

Festival of Hawks at Holiday Beach Conservation Area

Festival of Hawks Date: Saturday, Sep. 17, 2011 Location: Holiday Beach Conservation Area Migrate on over, Saturday September 17 and Sunday September 18 for the full event with live banding demonstrations, live hawk displays and children’s crafts. Enjoy Zoo to You on saturday only, and learn about...

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